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GCCI Signs MOU with Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce

GCCI Signs MOU with Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) and the Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Tuesday, September 3, 2019 at the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Offshore Europe Conference and Exhibition. President of the GCCI, Mr. Nicholas Deygoo-Boyer, and Mr. Russell Borthwick, Chief Executive of the Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce, signed the MoU on behalf of their respective organisations.

The MoU is intended to create and strengthen links between the two Chambers for the enhancement of trade and for information sharing relating to issues of policy and trade development.

The MoU stipulates that both Parties will facilitate access to events and briefings for visiting members from either Chamber at member rates, as well as provide visiting members with information that is relevant and useful during the period of their visit. Under the agreement, both Parties have also agreed to promote each other’s member companies, where appropriate, and publicise trade between the two areas.

Continuing a culture of cooperation and information sharing, both Chambers will seek to find practical ways to support each other through the assistance of partners such as the British Chambers of Commerce, Scottish Chambers of Commerce, the Department for International Trade, Scottish Development International and other similar bodies.

President of the GCCI, Mr. Nicholas Deygoo-Boyer, noted that the GCCI is keen on working closely with the Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce, adding that the Chamber is particularly interested in importing the North Sea experience and expertise in the oil and gas sector. Commenting on Guyana’s participation at the SPE Offshore Europe Conference, Mr. Deygoo-Boyer stated that interest in Guyana has peaked, especially with Tullow Oil’s recent offshore discovery.

The Memorandum will be enforced from the day of its signing and shall be valid for a period of two years.